The 2023 Wage and Workforce Study Is Available To Purchase!

2023 Wage and Workforce Study

The 2023 KAM Wage and Workforce Study is a comprehensive report on the state of manufacturing employment in Kentucky that allows manufacturers to make strategic decisions to better run their businesses and helps educational institutions prepare our future workforce for a career in manufacturing. All manufacturers in Kentucky were eligible and invited to participate.

The Executive Summary provides an overview of the data collected highlighting key points and results of the data collected. The Full State Report provides detailed wage information for 90 different manufacturing jobs and includes the Executive Summary. 

Furthermore, there are additional questions providing extensive information about benefits and working conditions that help identify current trends and best practices in employee recruitment and retention. A regional report is only available for the South Central Workforce Area for 2023 based on the number of participating companies in each region.  

Prior years’ reports are available for purchase at a discounted rate. Contact Shelley Goodwin for additional information.

Thanks to our Sponsors!

2023 Wage and Workforce Sponsors